A Practical Baby Shower Gift List for the safety and budget-minded

Are you a practical gift giver? You appreciate the cute onesies and the stuffed animals, but you can’t help but think about the longevity and practical nature of a gift? We have a suggestion list for you and there is something for everyone no matter how limited your budget. “A new car seat and locks for various items […]

Is your child in a safe booster seat? Which booster seats received top ratings for safety belt fit

If you’re like most parents, you probably found the world of child passenger safety to be a bit like walking into a big box baby store for the first time: completely overwhelming. You did research on which infant car seat to buy, consulted parents who had been down that road before, and even read the […]

In need of new car seat for your child or grandchild?

In need of new car seat for your child or grandchild? We’re on it! We’ve teamed up with Kristi Tedesco and KVOA, Safe Kids Pima County and the Tucson Police Department to provide free car seats for children, newborn through 4 years of age. It’s Kristi’s Kids 3rd Car Seat Giveaway How to get the […]

“Boost your booty” – Where you can get a free booster seat this weekend

When you’re thinking about child passenger safety, a visual of a baby in an infant seat, or a toddler in a convertible car seat may pop into your head.  But what about those big kids?  On Aug. 2, Arizona’s booster seat law went into effect.  Now, children ages 5 to 8 who are less than […]

Residential Pool Safety Checks Help Families Stay Safe

Bryan Ostrum’s four-year-old daughter is in swim lessons, but he’s not willing to trust that alone will keep her safe in the family’s backyard pool on the far east side. So the software engineer and his wife, Ana, a nurse, called Safe Kids Tucson, which offers free pool safety checks, thinking a fresh pair of […]

Keeping Them Safe – National Poison Prevention Week

As National Poison Prevention Week (March 18-24) approaches, Safe Kids Tucson reminds us to make sure we store hazardous materials – such as medication – out of children’s reach. Each year, unintentional poisoning is the cause of death for approximately 100 children ages 14 years and under. Poison control centers in the United States receive 1.2 million […]

Buckle Up with Safe Kids

Proper use of car seats for all passengers, both young and old, saves lives, but being buckled in isn’t enough. Proper use and installation of restraints is essential. Recent statistics from Safe Kids USA tell a horrifying story, 85% of child car seats are improperly installed. Earlier this year, with the addition to our family […]

Countdown to a Safe Halloween

Like many households with young children the countdown to Halloween in our home actually started when the stores began to deck everything in orange and black. Pumpkin decoration, costumes, candy and staying up late, what is there not to love about Halloween from a child’s perspective? This year, our family is actually venturing out into […]

C is for Classes – Part II

A month ago some of these children were so fearful they sat and shook on the side of the pool and had to be coaxed into the pool. Others had much bravado, but flailed in the pool. Today every one of the students in the two YMCA 2nd Grade classes I watched, swam across the […]

C is for Classes

Every year, the Safe Kids Tucson coalition partners with local elementary schools to teach over 700 second-grade students about the ABC’s of water safety with the Water Safety is for YOU! curriculum. At the end of the semester, those 700 students convened at the City of Tucson’s Edith Ball Aquatic Center to celebrate, explore and to review […]